
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Invisible Illness Week

It's invisible illness week guys, May 3-9!! Just because someone 'doesn't look sick' doesn't mean that they aren't! People who struggle with things like Crohn's, UC, Fibromyalgia, RA & so many others can't really control how they are going to feel from day to day. 

These things can go into remission but depending on their triggers a flare up could pop up at anytime no matter what is happening!! One thing I've come to realize with my Crohn's is that I can sometimes control my physical appearance as far as make up & hair go so I like to take advantage of that. If I have the energy to get up then I'm gonna put make up on & make sure my hair is done. Sometimes I can't always get my jeans on because my stomach is distended or sensitive to touch so I just have to throw on some leggings & oversized shirt & go with it! This isn't just a thing for me either though, there are other people who put up with the same things. 

My disease can't be seen from the outside, unless you want to count the weight loss. For someone who has an incurable invisible illness the tiny things they can control seem like victories sometimes. Diseases are not always physically visible, & just because they are invisible to you doesn't mean that they are invisible to the patient or that it is all just in their head!!! 

Help me spread awareness of invisible illnesses!! If you guys are interested in looking more into what it is like living with Crohn's & UC check out my favorite Facebook page about it: Crohn's sucks so why not laugh about it? 

~Kaylee <3