
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

All About Me!!

Hey guys!! The only post that I have written so far that has been about me was the first one where I briefly described who I was! I kind of just want to talk about what I have been going through recently.

Not to long ago I wrote a post about starting Remicade infusions and what Remicade is. So far I have had my first 3 infusions & I go back for infusion number 4 in a little over a month. Right now I don't feel to bad since I just had my third infusion but I know that the closer I come to my next infusion the more excited I will be! Sounds kind of sick right? I'm excited about having a needle stuck in my arm & sitting there for hours doing nothing, but despite all of that after I get an infusion I feel awesome. It's crazy how different I  feel after an infusion. Granted right after I am usually absolutely exhausted & I go home then just sleep the rest of the day away the next day I feel great! 

Infusion day has turned into somewhat of a holiday for my family. I always make sure that I am off work because well I really don't want to miss infusion day, & either my mom or dad make sure that they are off work as well. It can get kind of boring at times but the boredom doesn't usually last to long! If you're not the strongest around needles then I suggest maybe not looking at a few of these pictures. These are from my most recent infusion & we had one minor problem before the nurse started the IV fluids. After the initial poke the nurse was unable to actually find the vein that she needed so she just decided to move the needle around in my arm until she hit it...if that doesn't make you sick then you are an incredibly strong person!! I almost lost it right then, I turned whiter than I already was & my BP (blood pressure) dropped way way low but it ended successful! The picture just below here on the right was just a few seconds after she finally was able to get the IV in my arm & you can see how red it was.

After my nurse was finally able to get the needle in my arm I had a hot date with the scale! Since the amount of Remicade you receive is based on your height & weight they have to weight me every time I go in for an infusion. The scale showed me being a hefty 58.5 kg or 129 lbs meaning that since my last infusion I had lost 4 more pounds putting 16 pounds underweight! Yikes right?! But I am working really hard to get back up to a healthy weight. The struggle is definitely real when you have Crohn's Disease, but that struggle can better you as a person!

All of these picture were taken using my snapchat as well so there are words across some of them as well as one where I am wearing a flower crown because what else is there to do when you are chilling with your dad in the cancer center at the hospital. After my previous struggle with the medication that I was on previously the fact that I am able to feel semi-normal again with the Remicade treatments is a blessing.

 Not gonna lie there are some side effects that accompany the infusions, but they are nothing compared to the symptoms that you experience when in the middle of flare up. The list seems endless what you look at it but the most common ones are muscle/joint weakness & pain, nausea, headaches and fatigue. Yours truly struggles with all of those after the infusions but they typically only last about 2-3 day which is totally manageable when I can eat things that I usually wouldn't be able to! Granted there are still consequences when I eat or drink something that I shouldn't but they aren't even close to what I am used to!

The medication isn't the only reason that I look forward to infusion day! I get to spend time with my parents, like I mentioned before, & we are making a habit of going out for ice cream afterwards. After a day of sitting & doing nothing there is nothing wrong with stopping for ice cream! It's only the best frozen treat that was ever made.

 So all in all it was a success, I made it through infusion #3 & lived! Yay! If you guys are interested in helping to find a cure for IBD visit the CCFA's webpage. They have marathons & walks among other activities used to raise money for research!! They also seem to have the best resources for understanding IBD.

Click Here to explore the CCFA's webpage.
So I know that this post is all about me & what I am going through with infusion & I know that there are also a lot of pictures attached on here but I hope you guys enjoyed reading it!



  1. Seems like you have a really good attitude about your situation, that's awesome. Good luck to you throughout this experience.

  2. If you have the disease, doesn't dairy products hurt your stomach and make you sick? I had a friend in high school that had this disease and they were always sick and when they had a dairy product, they would cringe in pain because they could not digest it.

  3. If you have the disease, doesn't dairy products hurt your stomach and make you sick? I had a friend in high school that had this disease and they were always sick and when they had a dairy product, they would cringe in pain because they could not digest it.
